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Pig and poultry production

Automation in livestock production: the Vento III climate and production computer from Big Dutchman

  • Vento III for pig and poultry production
    Computer for pig production and poultry production

Feeding livestock is not done by sitting in the office. It’s the “eyes of the Lord” that are responsible for good results, because in the end, it has always been and continues to be the farmer who makes sure that their stock are well and healthy. Today, more and more livestock producers use computers to help with the daily activities in the house, however, for applications ranging from raising alarms to feeding and climate control. This support leads to better performance and healthier stock while significantly reducing the workload. One interesting entry-level model for automation is Big Dutchman’s climate and production computer Vento III.

The controller can be used in broiler houses as well as for egg production and pig production. It is incredibly simple to install and to put into operation, and it is also very easy to use. The well-arranged seven-inch touchscreen shows relevant curves as graphs. Functions that are used on a daily basis are immediately available in the menu. Another big advantage is that Vento III speaks 40 different languages.

Farmers can use Vento III for the following tasks, among others:

Climate control

  • automatically adjust the climate using climate curves;
  • switch two stepless fan groups individually;
  • control different heating systems;
  • control cooling and humidification systems.


  • weigh silos for easy monitoring of the silo contents;
  • trigger water alarms in case of oversupply or undersupply (as compared to the previous day);
  • record livestock weights;
  • raise an alarm in case of power failures or deviations regarding the temperature or feed and water consumption.

Power supply

Farmers in regions where power failures may occur with some regularity can order Vento III with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and/or the temperature-controlled emergency opening system 378 as an option.

The UPS guarantees that electricity is supplied to the computer even in case of a blackout so that no data are lost.

The emergency opening system, on the other hand, comprises a 24 V DC power supply unit, a built-in maintenance-free battery, a charger and a separate temperature probe. In case of power failures or technical breakdowns, the emergency opening offers an alternative method of accessing the system – which can help ensure survival of the livestock.


With BigFarmNet Manager or the Big Dutchman cloud solution BFN Fusion, farmers can easily control the computer on their farm remotely using a mobile phone or PC.

If you have questions regarding Vento III, ask them here! : egg production | poultry growing | pig production

Click here to download information materials about Vento III : egg production | poultry growing | pig production

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