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VIV Europe 2010: Innovative gasification system to be introduced

Chicken manure to energy

  • 150 kW gasification system with conveyor belt, switching and control cabinet, gasifier, gas cooling and gas cleaning (from left to right)
    Chicken manure to energy

Environmentally friendly, climate neutral and reliable: For the first time ever on display world wide at VIV Europe will be a gasification system which transforms biomass for example from poultry manure into energy. The clou of the Big Dutchman innovation is that, except for nitrogen, all the components which are important for fertilisation are preserved in the residual ash. Genuine dual use is thus achieved – quite independently of wind and sunshine. The manure is dried, pressed into pellets and conveyed to a gasifier where it is converted into gas by means of thermochemical conversion. The only by-product which remains is ash – which is a very valuable fertiliser. Subsequently the energy produced in this way is processed in the combined heat and power plant (CHP) to generate electricity and heat. Furthermore, in addition to chicken manure, other by-products such as digestate from biogas plants or sugar cane can also be used for the same purpose. The result is extremely impressive: The amount of energy produced in a 150 kW gasifier allows to supply thermal energy for 25 households for more than one year (maximum 10 kW heat output) and to provide 200 households one year long with electricity (at an annual average use of 0.75 kW per household). Hall 12C.050

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