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VIV Europe 2010: Broiler house emissions reduction with MagixX-B

High-standard certification measurements concluded

  • The application of MagixX-B is always the right decision in order to significantly reduce dust and ammonia emissions from exhaust air.
  • Schematic diagram of the MagixX-B exhaust air treatment system from the rear side.
    High-standard certification measurements concluded

Whenever it is a question of approval of broiler houses in the vicinity of built-up areas or woodland, authorities all over the world are increasingly frequently imposing requirements for a thorough cleaning of the exhaust air. MagixX-B, an exhaust air treatment system which has been newly developed by Big Dutchman, meets this requirement in an exemplary way. Experts confirm: MagixX-B is the first exhaust air treatment system for poultry management which fulfils the demanding criteria of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) Signum test for ammonia and total dust with a filtration efficiency of at least 70 percent. The new exhaust air treatment system for broiler management can be seen for the first time at VIV Europe 2010.

As the certification measurements prove, the reduction in emissions can be up to 85 percent in the case of ammonia and up to 89 percent in the case of total dust. A positive side effect of the dust separation: germ and odour emissions can be reduced significantly. There are, however, good reasons for these positive results. Although MagixX-B is brand new on the market, the working principle is based on extensive know how and technology which have already proved their worth very successfully in other Big Dutchman business divisions.

The single-stage exhaust air treatment system has been optimised with regard to operating costs. This is due to the modular design. Only the required number of modules operate in accordance with the ventilation requirement. This helps to  reduce operating costs. And it is possible to make energy savings of up to 40 percent compared with non-modular exhaust air treatment systems.

Hall 12C.050

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