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Poultry house for 47,000 laying hens

Two-level barn egg production with modern poultry equipment

  • A well-designed poultry house for 47,000 laying hens for barn egg production
    Poultry house with two-level barn egg production
  • Happy faces at the inauguration of the new poultry house and poultry equipment: Heinrich Beckmann (third from the left) and Sebastian Dierken (far right), both Big Dutchman, congratulate the Lürwer family on their new poultry shed. On the left: Brigitte and Alfons Lürwer, on the right with Benedikt Lürwer and his wife Sarah the proud owners of this handsome new poultry house for aviary-type barn egg production.
    Inauguration of poultry house and poultry equipment
  • Modern barn egg production with NATURA70: cross partitions installed every 2.41 meters divide the birds into small, well-manageable groups
    Inside the poultry house: Natura70 for barn egg production
  • Customized poultry equipment: upon special request by Benedikt Lürwer the German poultry equipment supplier installed a longitudinal egg belt in the NATURA70 which has a width of 50 cm instead of the standard 35 cm.
    Customized poultry equipment

In the 1990‘s Alfons Lürwer from Billerbeck, Germany, started his production of barn eggs with 2,000 laying hens. Today, the farm houses more than 90,000 laying hens thanks to his son Benedikt who added a substantial amount to the production capacity when he joined the family enterprise. 

Barn egg production in a well-designed poultry poultry house

The result is a poultry house with a rather non-traditional layout: the 47,000 laying hens with which Benedict almost doubled his father’s stock, are housed on two levels. When looking for poultry equipment for barn egg production with an optimal utilisation ratio of housing space, Benedikt Lürwer opted for Big Dutchman ’s NATURA70. 

Customised poultry equipment

A view into the aviary shows that the young farmer had a hand not only in designing the poultry house itself but also in the installed poultry equipment. The customized NATURA70 installation is, for example, equipped with a longitudinal egg belt of 50 cm width instead of the standard 35 cm width. Benedikt Lürwer also requested the installation of an additional egg belt inside the aviary for barn egg production – no problem for the renowned poultry equipment supplier from Vechta. Now, mislaid eggs can be collected easily by the elevator which saves the farm manager valuable working time.

Barn egg production with reduced management requirements

In general, the concept of NATURA70 is based on the idea of reducing management requirements in poultry equipment and increasing the production reliability. Pullets have an optimal start into the laying period which is also demonstrated by the low share of mislaid floor eggs. Another advantage is that the birds do not fly at eye level – which allows the farm staff to inspect the laying stock without problems, easily and comfortably. Further amenities of the poultry equipment include the small, well-manageable group sizes which are created by cross partitions that are installed every 2.41 metres. 

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