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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Dealing with moisture: how to rise to the challenge

While factors like temperature and feed management take the spotlight, one silent adversary often goes unnoticed: excessive water or moisture. The impact of high moisture levels in broiler houses…

A compliment from Spain

Big Dutchman is delighted with a sign of trust from Spain: brothers Oscar and David Montero recently furnished a third broiler house with systems from the German poultry equipment supplier. The new…

How energy-saving measures contribute to bird welfare

Apart from feed costs, costs for energy incur the highest expenses for broiler producers today. This article describes efficient measures to save energy.

Pipe conveyor for dry feed has a capacity of up to 6500 kg/h

The global trend towards larger pig and poultry farms continues unabatedly. Big Dutchman has therefore introduced DR 6500: a high-capacity pipe conveying system for dry feed developed specifically for…

Eating and relaxing in peace

Increased welfare for sows and piglets, less work for sow managers: Big Dutchman has enhanced the new AGILO group housing system for lactating sows and presents AGILO FB at SPACE 2023, a system where…

“Let’s get cosy!”

In Gerd Behnen’s old machine shop in Gehlenberg (district of Cloppenburg, North-Western Germany), you will hear squeaks and grunts nowadays: the farmer has converted the building into a house for…

Two farm complexes equipped with innovative Big Dutchman technology

The Danish agricultural company FirstFarms Hungary Kft. has invested more than eight billion forints (approx. EUR 21.7 million) in the construction of two pig farms in South Hungary. The locations in…

“Insect farming makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection”

Insects taste good, provide valuable nutrients – and are sustainable suppliers of protein. Not without reason are they part of the natural diet of many animals. Poultry and pigs also like when the…

Pig and poultry production

Feeding livestock is not done by sitting in the office. It’s the “eyes of the Lord” that are responsible for good results, because in the end, it has always been and continues to be the farmer who…

Big Dutchman dressed up and exhibited at the 20th China Animal Husbandry Expo to inject new vitality into the industry’s development

The 20th China Animal Husbandry Expo (2022 | 2023) was recently held in Chengdu. More than 1500 exhibitors participated this year, making it the largest CAHE held since 2003. As an “old friend”, Big…

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