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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Insect division of Big Dutchman group equips Enorm Biofactory

The Enorm Biofactory in Hvirring (Denmark) has now been inaugurated during an Open House event on St Nicholas’ Day. On the new 22,000 square metre farm, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) will be bred…

Follow-up order: German poultry equipment supplier provides aviary systems and more for two barn egg production houses

Big Dutchman customer Trevor McBride from County Monaghan, Ireland, decided to expand his egg production business. He began with a new house for pullet rearing; the first young hens have already moved…

Lonsee: New poultry house for 50,000 birds

Markus Schmid from Lonsee in Germany is calling a new welfare barn for pullet rearing his own. When it came to selecting the management system, the farmer from the Swabian Alb opted for a Big Dutchman…

Pipe conveyor for dry feed has a capacity of up to 6500 kg/h

The global trend towards larger pig and poultry farms continues unabatedly. Big Dutchman has therefore introduced DR 6500: a high-capacity pipe conveying system for dry feed developed specifically for…

Natura Filia welfare aviary prepares pullets perfectly for laying aviary

Rearing pullets in two-level houses is currently still quite uncommon. One recently constructed example was put into operation in Neuenkirchen-Vörden in North-Western Germany a short while ago. The…

New poultry house for 50,000 laying hens

The moshav Bnei Netzarim in the north-west of Israel believes in modern and animal-friendly egg production. The residents of the cooperative agricultural settlement have proved this with a new house…

„They have always been a trusted partner"

Providing the growing population in the Middle East and Africa with safe food is a great challenge. With the construction of their new turnkey farm, General Poultry Company B.S.C. (GPC) is making a…

New poultry house with Big Dutchman aviary Natura Nova

Reinhard Schneeberger from the German municipality of Niedermurach in Bavaria recently started producing organic free range eggs in a new and modern poultry house. Two strictly separated groups of…

Broadcaster NDR reports on award-winning Big Dutchman customer

In 2019, Holger Hogt from Itterbeck in the northwest of Germany decided to switch from pig production to egg production. Just three years later, in 2022, the Big Dutchman customer scored a podium…

Denmark: Ditte and Morten Helsted join the egg production business

Mites love laying hens – a fact which poultry managers hate, because parasites in the poultry house have a negative effect on animal welfare. Additionally, affected hens lay fewer eggs. Ditte and…

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