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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Big Dutchman supports Dutch farmers

Big Dutchman has donated a total of 15,000 euros to support the Dutch solidarity foundation “Stichting Solidariteit Pluimveehouderij” (SSP). The foundation has commited itself to assisting Dutch…

"Do not take any unnecessary risks"

Big Dutchman's business unit Poultry Housing Equipment will not participate in this year's VIV Europe 2003 to take place at Utrecht (Netherlands) in October. On behalf of the Big Dutchman…

International Green Week Berlin

The Farm Experience of German agriculture is the big draw at this year’s International Green Week 2003 taking place at Hanover from 17th until 26th of January. And, not least, this is thanks to Big…

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