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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Free range egg production in aviaries

Altogether 12,000 laying hens recently moved into the new poultry house built by Iduna and Bernd Sachtjen from Friedeburg in northern Germany. In the course of a modernisation of their farm, the…

Modern poultry growing with Big Dutchman poultry systems

Recently, the Syring family from Bad Wildungen in Germany has invited the public to an Open Day: When next-generation farmer Daniel Syring showed strong interest in poultry growing, the family decided…

Feeding and housing systems for poultry growing

Andrea and Norbert Holste have invested in their future with the building of two new poultry sheds upon their farm in Schöppingen, in the district of Borken. Some 300 visitors accepted the invitation…

Poultry house for layer management in aviaries

A state-of-the-art poultry house for barn egg production with 80,000 laying hens recently attracted a large crowd of visitors to Gangelt in the German state of North Rhine Westphalia. Approximately…

Heating and poultry house ventilation for poultry growing

Markus Röwer does not do things by halves. “Sustainable thinking in connection with poultry  housing systems is something which pays handsome dividends“, says the third-generation farmer. This is why,…

Successful start in the poultry growing business

Ulrich Löhr from Denkte in Lower Saxony, Germany, entered into the poultry production business and built a modern poultry shed for 39,900 broilers. The committed farmer from the Wolfenbüttel area…

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