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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

“I am very happy, and with an expansion like this one, it makes sense to continue working with established systems.”

Danish farmer Jeppe Bloch from Vejen, 100 kilometres north of the German border, recently expanded his sow house to add 850 places. The long building, with a seamless connection between old and new…

Low emissions in pig and poultry production: how exhaust air washers decimate ammonia, odours and dust

Poultry and pig production are an important component of livestock farming in Germany. The country’s poultry houses keep 147 million birds, while the count of pigs amounts to nearly 27 million. Since…

Bernd Kuhlencord passes away

We mourn our former managing director and long-time companion Bernd Kuhlencord. We have lost a fine man and a great colleague. His passing affects all of us very deeply. For decades, Bernd…

A democratic, united Europe needs our votes and our voices.

The Big Dutchman Board of Management has asked the group’s employees to vote in the 2019 European Parliament elections. All staff received the following message: "Dear colleagues, European elections…

History, functionality, perspective: in an interview, “fathers” talk about their “baby”

Successfully managing large litters can be quite a challenge for sow managers. The farmers make use of various methods to foster underweight and surplus piglets. They move their “little patients” to…

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