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Housing Equipment

for modern piglet rearing and finishing

In addition to the most advanced feeding technology, Big Dutchman can also offer its customers animal-friendly, easy-to-clean systems for sow, nursery and finishing housing.

Our flexible modular system enables you to construct any type and size of pen, independent of the conditions on site and the dimensions of the house. The Big Dutchman penning system includes:

  • pen profiles made of PVC (in blue or light grey);
  • pen supports, posts and reinforcing posts, all made of stainless steel;
  • concrete partition ends;
  • several different types of locking doors.

Main advantages

  • the height of the solid walls can be chosen to suit your situation depending on the ventilation system or your preference;
  • single-handed locking of pen doors improves ease of use;
  • the small number of simple component parts allows for easy assembly, no external assistance required;
  • long service life due to the use of durable materials such as stainless steel and rugged plastic in the animal area;
  • low shipping volume saves money;
  • single-piece surfaces are easy to clean; no niches to harbour dirt and disease mean better hygiene;
  • suitable for all housing and management situations.


  • Big Dutchman equips farm for 6,000 sows

    Sow management: Smart BigFarmNet technology connects the entire farm

    After a renovation period of 1.5 years, Big Dutchman customer Gobarto S.A. recently started operating one of the most modern pig farms in Poland. The complex located in Zalesie, not far from Wrocław, can house 6,000 sows, which are kept in animal-friendly groups for the gestation period. 180,000 piglets are weaned every year; contract farmers continue the finishing process. The project partners…


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