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The feed pan family for professional rearing and growing of turkeys

A feeding system for turkeys must meet a number of requirements that depend mainly on the production cycle and the birds’ age. During rearing, the feed must be easily accessible for the poults.

Later, during hen and tom growing, keeping feed wastage to a minimum is a major concern. Easy-to-exchange dishes and cones help the turkey producer to create deal
conditions for his birds at all times.

Fontos előnyök

  • modular design of the pan and simple replacement of individual parts make for high flexibility;
  • feed flow is easy to check thanks to the transparent cone;
  • hygiene cone stops poults from entering the pan;
  • pan dish with cone provides the birds with small amounts of feed that are always fresh;
  • good accessibility to the feed;
  • easy to mount and to clean due to the low number of parts;
  • high quality of the materials used;
  • 4-arm grill ensures a stable shape, easy access to the feed and a good illumination;
  • curved, soft pan rim prevents breast bruising;
  • pan can swing freely at the pipe.

My Big Dutchman


Teljes áttekintés: megrendelései és számlái egy pillantással! A praktikus felhasználókezeléssel együtt.


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