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Optimal drying of manure, high capacity, cost-efficient solution

OptiSec is a manure drying tunnel from Big Dutchman that was developed for optimal and efficient drying of fresh or pre-dried manure from layer houses (up to a dry matter content of 85 percent).

OptiSec is available for 20,000 to 300,000 layers, has 4 to 18 tiers and is characterised by its large intake capacity, which is achieved thanks to a variable length of up to 60 m, a large belt width of 1.78 m and a substrate layer that is approx. 10 cm thick.

Fontos előnyök

  • high intake capacity due to wide belts;
  • for 20,000 to 300,000 bird places;
  • filling station is integrated into the top tier so no additional tier is required;
  • very even distribution of the fresh manure on the belts leads to very uniform drying;
  • manure belt drive has a special pressure unit for a good power transmission to the belt;
  • a patented roller bearer ensures circulation of the air and smooth running of the belts.

My Big Dutchman


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