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The newest generation climate and production computer

ViperTouch is the principal component for reliable and secure climate and production control in your poultry house! The computer’s outstanding features include:

  • Coloured 10-inch touchscreen
  • Optimised user interface
  • Modular hardware
  • Software updates
  • Full connectivity
  • High operational reliability

Secure, comfortable, easy

If the standard version is not sufficient, an extension unit that can control up to 40 additional drives is an option. There are also relay modules available that can be used for direct connection of single-phase fans or motors.

Vantaggi principali

  • climate and production computer developed specifically for poultry growing: broilers, turkeys, ducks and breeders
  • brilliantly simple operation via touchscreen
  • selectable operating modes: Flex or Profi
  • efficient quad-core processor
  • speaks 40 languages – including yours!
  • large 10-inch display
  • simple alarm management
  • compatible with BFN Fusion and BigFarmNet Manager

Modern control cabinet

For new buildings, especially, we can supply a control cabinet that has been optimised for your individual situation. This control cabinet contains all fuses, residual-current devices, motor protection switches, contactors, switches, control lamps, alarm devices, etc., for all system parts installed in the house. Such a cabinet can contain the integrated 10-inch version of ViperTouch.

The control cabinet is planned and manufactured individually for each project, based on the equipment in the house. Each cabinet’s wiring is ready for connection when delivered, i.e. the electrician just has to connect the consumers (motors, etc.).

Climate control

ViperTouch is a climate computer that enables you to control the entire house environment according to state-of-the-art principles. The controller can be used for all established types of ventilation (natural, mechanical and combined). This includes side, cross, tunnel and CombiTunnel ventilation.

ViperTouch controls:

  • fresh air and exhaust air
  • recirculating air
  • heating
  • heat exchanger
  • cooling
  • emergency opening
  • alarms

Using sensors for climate control is state of the art today. Temperature, humidity, CO2 and NH3 sensors effectively measure and monitor changes in the house air. These sensors are therefore the basis for any computer-controlled climate system.

Production control

ViperTouch is not only a state-of-the-art climate computer, but also a very professional production computer. 

It records all the important data regarding

  • growth, feed and water consumption and mortality of your stock (broilers, turkeys, ducks).
  • bird weights, feed and water consumption and mortality of your breeders.

Vantaggi principali

This enables you to react quickly to changes and to take any required action, which, in turn, will

  • lead to better performance results and increase economic efficiency.
  • increase both the production of hatching eggs and economic efficiency.

Our customers are happy with ViperTouch

  • “My computer controls the entire broiler house, including Earny. The heat exchanger helps me save heating costs, and my birds are healthier.” Stefan Ramin-Freesen (Germany)
  • “ViperTouch controls my whole broiler breeder house. I can fully rely on this control system.” Andreas Lehner, Wels (Austria)


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