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Our innovations: so fine, so easy to access!

Visit our real showroom and see all our innovations

The large trade shows have all been cancelled. For the first time, EuroTier will go digital so agricultural experts from all over the world can meet virtually. 

You have not (yet) found the time to visit the EuroTier platform? Get a head start and take a tour of our showroom at the Big Dutchman headquarters. Or scroll further down this page. We have listed all Big Dutchman innovations in a convenient table. To read and to watch.

Click to find out more. We are happy to show you our successful solutions for animal-friendly and profitable egg production, poultry growing and pig rearing and finishing.

The Big Dutchman innovation index for the digital EuroTier

ChickenBoy analysis robot: keeping track of flock health in the broiler housePress release
Product details
Dynamic MultiStep: The energy-saving exhaust air principlePress release
Chain feeding: detail improvements and new componentsPress release
New chain feeding system MaleChain / FeMaleChain Press release
Certified air scrubber Pollo-M for broiler houses cleans the airPress release
Product details
Colony nest Relax 2.0: a global big seller scores with new featuresPress release
Product details
The innovative SIMBA belt system for manure pits significantly improves the climatePress release
Product details
Viva 330: the new feed pan without grille for successful broiler production – also available with illuminated control pan!Press release
Product details
Earny 2 heat exchanger: saves heating costs, improves the house climate and reduces emissionsPress release
Product details
CompoLiner composts farm manure quickly and fully automaticallyPress release
Product details
Professional lighting solutions for pig and poultry housingPress release
Product details

The latest Big Dutchman spotlight talks for the digital EuroTier

Big Spotlight No. 1 | Keeping pace with increasing demands on performance, networking, remote maintenance and control in poultry meat production with BigFarmNet

The digitization of animal production has never been as important as today. Remote maintenance, remote support and camera monitoring have become indispensable to avoid farm visits. Clear data displays and automated alarms show where problems occur and allow for early countermeasures. Detailed analyses, e.g. of climate data, make sustainable improvements possible.


Big Spotlight No. 6 | Planning security with turnkey solutions – the changing environment for farm design

Changing customer needs regarding farm house suppliers require turnkey solutions. Big Dutchman delivers the full line of services, starting with pre-engineered buildings, matching concepts with the in-house equipment and renewable energy solutions up to the final farm design and project implementation. All services from one supplier to deliver planning security and project convenience for our customers.


Big Spotlight No. 7 | Relax – the best nest for broiler breeders and what else is important regarding breeder equipment!

Perfect equipment for broiler breeder houses: the Relax nest, a chain feeding system, MaleChain and SIMBA (manure pit).


Big Spotlight No. 8 | Heating in poultry houses: consequences of the new carbon tax and solutions to mitigate the economic impact!

Introduced in 2021, the carbon tax adds to the financial burden of German broiler producers. The emission tax will increase gradually and therefore reinforce this effect by 2025. Big Dutchman offers heating technologies that mitigate the impact and therefore reduce costs. 

  • Indirect fired heaters: no flue gases in the barn, lower ventilation level and heating energy savings.
  • Earny 2 heat exchanger: exhaust air warms the fresh air. The result: energy savings of approximately 50 %.


Big Spotlight No. 9 | Requirements and implementation of modern lighting systems in poultry houses

Requirements for lighting systems in poultry houses. Definition and meaning of flickering and perception of poultry. The talk provides insights into the latest knowledge and the implementation in the barn.


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